Lobster Season is going well, with young and old enjoying the catches.
The Picture below was taken earlier in the year by our beloved Treasurer Linda Kauffman. Even on a rainy day Florida Bay Club is a pretty place to be. …
Lobster Season kicks off and the Docks are empty.
We have had a wet few days but the sun is now shinning on the drivers. Lets hope they get some lobsters.
Hoping to have some pictures to follow.
I have just up-dated our new Assistant Manager Elizabeth Gracia, we welcome her to Florida Bay Club, she is looking forward to learning the Time-Share way of life. Her picture and profile are in the staff section of the Website.
Florida Bay Club is now in what the staff calls "Miami Season." Please remember a 2-bedroom sleeps a maximum of 6 and …
Just letting everyone know the Annual Meeting is coming up soon, Sunday 18th May, at 1pm, we would love to see as many people as possible.
We are just awaiting the electric hook-up of the Dock, it will then be complete, all Units now have new electric garage doors, remotes are available for a $50 deposit, also all door locks have been …
What happened? The ballots and proxies were coming in and then all of a sudden they are trickling into the office.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we need you to mail those back to us. You have the privilege of voting your choices, please take a few minutes and get these mailed.
Ballots and Proxies are pouring …
The newly formed board elected the following officers:
President – Matt Peabody
Vice President – Jack Irvin
Treasurer – Linda Kaufman
Member at large – Michael Gandham
Member at large – Lourdes Griffin
Member at large – Richard Turner
Member at large - Robert West …